Thursday, September 19, 2013

On Standards

Who should have standards? What are standards? Where are standards applied? When are they necessary? Why do we need standards? How do we enforce standards?

 All these questions, I ask myself whenever I run into a wall. When I feel that maybe I am imposing too much on you. Everyone should have standards. Every single person, kids, adults, males, females, moms, dads, bosses, employees, instructors, students, business owners, customers.

 Standards are how we measure things, activities, events, behaviors, feelings, etc. It is the lower acceptable measurement of something that you are willing to take. For mothers, it is how much they are willing to let their kids get away with it. It is how little they are willing to receive for their services. what quality of work you will accept from your employees, and the minimum score before you fail a test.

 Standards are applied in everything and are dependent on many variables. At work, school, and even in your personal life. If you have never thought about it, look at your hair, and tell me how long it took to get it how you wanted it this morning. How many times did you have to redo it until it was acceptable? Depending on where you were going, it may have been 5 min to 1 hour. The minimum amount of critique you are willing to accept from the people at your destination.

 We need standards every day. Even if you do not think about it, or worry about it, but they keep you alive, how bad of food are you willing to eat? How much traffic are you willing to cross?

 This is how we define the quality of life we want. If by now, you do not know what standards you have, then you are very low on the scale. Think about the quality of life you have, once had, and want. What type of standards did you have or need? Well. It depends on where you want to go and with whom.

 Standards have to be consistent. They have to define who you are and what you want. It is in your character, in your goals, in your life, and in every decision you make. What is the least you are willing to accept for. In some cases, you have to make decisions on your time, the most valuable resource and currency. How little are you willing to trade for your time? If you inconsistently enforce standards, you are showing weak character. If you are standards are low, you are wasting your time, and setting yourself up for failure. It is like shopping at the dollar store. You get what you pay for.

 Why should I lower my standards for you? If my requirements for my quality of life require a certain standard, why should I lower it, just because you do not see it for yourself? The only reason why I am with you is because I have high standards, and now you want me to lower them?

 I do expect things from you, and big things, because you are capable, and you are wasting your time when you do not apply the same level of standardization on small events, that will accumulate into a better quality of life.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Last Hour of My Life

The last hour of my life went by very fast. People say that your life flashes before your eyes right before you die, and it does. It's called life. Every moment you live since you are born passes in front of your eyes, it just happens that at the point when you seize to exist, your brain relives everything in rapid succession. Think about it as copying files to another hard drive. Just because it took you thirty-five years to build up your memories, your knowledge, and everything you have stored in your brain, does not mean that it takes the same amount of time to copy it. Every sad moment, anger tantrum, life-changing event that made you happier than you have ever been; every memory that you have of your childhood, since you were born, got married, crashed your car, got wasted, had kids, got that promotion, will be condensed into a fraction of a millisecond, and you will feel and see everything that you have ever lived again all at once.

 The last hour of my life went so fast and I think it was attributed to not knowing that I was going to die. I would have never imagined it, but I realized it at the last possible moment, right before muttering the word "Fuck". If I ever get the chance to meet someone like me, I should definitely ask if when you have a slow death, you still have the same experience as I did. The gunshot was loud and thunderous, and I did not even get a chance to flinch. If I was only facing the other way, maybe I could have had a chance to react, but at that time, my excitement blinded me and I was preoccupied at the moment. One thing that will always stay with me this time around is that you should not hold on to anything, especially regrets, because it is all meaningless.

 The last hour of my life could have been one of the happiest hours of my life, instead, it turned out to be the one that took me to my end. My soon-to-be wife witnessed the whole thing. She was not next to me, but I am pretty sure she saw what happened from afar. Across the street she stood, waiting for me, while someone put a bullet in my head. As irrelevant as it is, I wished I could have seen who it was and why he did it. My whole life I have preached situational awareness and I failed because I was focusing on what was going to happen that day. The day that I would ask her to marry me.

 The last hour of my life consisted of driving from my hometown, after visiting a jewelry store. I could not afford to buy the ring I wanted cash, so I used my credit card. My job was not the best paying, but it was a stable job with many perks. Not being a big spender myself really helped me. I still remember the song on the radio, Sublime. Ninety miles an hour may have been a bit too fast on the highway, but I was in a hurry to give my love her gift. There were no cops, sheriffs, or highway patrol. It was the perfect sunny day, with eighty percent humidity, partially cloudy with a ten percent chance of rain. As I arrived at her workplace, I could see her through the window, picking up her things, and waving to her co-workers. Checked my coat, made sure the collar was right, no stains or wrinkles on my slacks, and my tie was properly knotted. She stepped out the door about the same time I stepped into the sidewalk, and determined to confront her, I felt the cold barrel of a .40 Smith and Wesson handgun press on my right temple, and I barely muttered the word "Fuck".

 I felt what could only be described as the atom bomb of emotions, and the only thing I could do was scream as loud as I could. It felt as if at the same time that my bullet entered my brain, every single piece of information was jammed out of my brain and then reinserted. The pain was not from my brain being splattered, but from feeling everything in my life all over again in a split second. My eyes opened and I was screaming to my lungs capacity. I was sitting up on a bed, and tears filled my eyes. My heart was pounding, my ears were thumping and everything was sore in my body. I heard my mother tell me it was OK, and that the nightmare was over. My father asked if I was OK. I passed out shortly afterward, crying because it had been the most horrid nightmare I'd had since I was a boy. In fact, once I thought about it, it was actually the exact same nightmare, except this time it made sense.

 My eyes opened once again in the morning and in a daze of confusion, I looked around the room and realized that I may still be in fact dreaming, since I sat in a Mickey Mouse blanket, wearing blue flannel pajamas, and staring at a wall of toys that seemed very familiar. Outside I would hear the birds and feel the breeze from the open window, watching the curtain dance with the draft. My feet touched the ground and it was cold concrete, and I noticed my tiny little feet, around size eleven in boys. My heart raced as I tried to make sense of things. I hurried outside the door, took a right, then another right, as if I had been here before, little footsteps tapping on the hard cold concrete floor into the kitchen, where my mother and father who had been divorced for the past twenty years sat eating breakfast. Aside from being about thirty years younger, they looked very familiar, and I realized this was the real deal. I was standing in my five-year-old pajamas, with my parents in their mid-twenties, when just the day before I was planning to propose to my girlfriend of eight years, after discussing it with my children of sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, and ten. It was all gone, and I just sat there eating my Cookie Crisp cereal thinking about what I was going to do, trying to convince myself that this was not real. I remember this day thirty years ago, when I had the worst nightmare and saw how and when I died, but had forgotten in between the other thousands of dreams I've had.

 Whether it was a curse or a blessing, why would I want to relive the same thirty years again? I did not believe in a god, much less in a cruel one that would punish me by giving me a second chance to fix the mistakes that made me who I am, and gave me a choice to lead a different life. I did not want this. Just like that, the last hour of my life was the happiest I have ever been, and I now had to task to have it again in the exact same way, thirty years from now. I finished my cereal and went back to bed where I had much to think about, and much planning to do. I will find her again, and be happy with her again.

Friday, May 31, 2013

On Pressure

Every day we face pressure. From our friends, family co-workers, and worst of all, from ourselves. We pressure ourselves to do things that we really do not need to do. We feel the need to relieve that pressure by either appeasing the pressure maker or ignoring it. Both of these do not work, because it does not fix the root of the problem. Step one is to identify the root of the problem. Step two is to make a plan to fix the root cause of the problem. Step three is to execute and commit to the plan. Step four is to re-evaluate.

 If one does not know the root cause of the problem, pressure will overwhelm oneself, since there is no direction, purpose, or motivation. It's like being lost and not caring to find a way out. If one knows the root cause of the problem but does not have a plan, then one is procrastinating the inevitable, either the pressure maker will win every time, and not only is there no purpose, but self-esteem will be affected since the feeling of hopelessness will come about. If one knows the root cause, and has a plan, but does not execute, then that is a sign of weakness. It is a sign of a lack of confidence, non assertiveness. All that is required to execute is the right motivator and a clear view of the purpose and direction one must take. The last step will reinforce the process and make it stronger each time it is repeated.

 The only thing it takes is doing it once.

Friday, May 24, 2013

On Stress

I have always believed that stress is something that is brought on by yourself. In a world of perfect synchronous accountability, it is easy to see your own mistakes and shortcomings and deal with them in such a manner that will benefit you. But we all know that this is not the case and that very few people, not including myself can deal with stress in a non-self-destructive way. I do try though. Having said that, many years later since I started my philosophy, I still believe that stress is self-inflicted, because we come from a destructive nature and a need to feel sorry for ourselves. We like to become the victim for that short point in time and over confidently imply that everything only happens to us and for no apparent reason.

 Since putting it that way sounds pretty weird, I guess that it is kinda silly to overreact to simply day-to-day items that should have absolutely no effect on our self-esteem and other aspects of our life, let alone becoming a bad day.

 Anger management partnered with stress management can be the ultimate fuck-it-all tool. Not that we have no care for the world, but that those things that matter not, will not be given time to mess up our day. Again, the common denominator for controlling anger, stress, and self is procrastination. Handling angry matters later will not be effective, and will chain events into stressful scenarios, mess up your day by making you angry, and so on and so forth.

 It's a cycle, eh.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

On Trust

In the midst of the current situation, I would like to believe that there is still some good left in people; and that not everyone has a special agenda of their own and is willing to stab people in the back in order to get ahead. I learned long ago that by having eyes in the back of your head, you would realize how much one means to people, and that no matter who it is, family, so-called friends, co-workers, and even those from the religious community, will if given a chance, fuck you over.

 This current situation I am in, requires that I take risks, and that no matter how much suspicion, doubt, or reluctance exists, I remain calm and keep driving. How can I, if having survived many years practicing the art of removing the concept of trust in my life, expect others to trust me? I do not, yet it seems that this minor detail will entail a great deal of mis-perspective, and unleash a chain of events that in later years manifest itself in great disappointment and a complete waste of time.

 Trust is something many take for granted, and others give in abundance without concern for consequence, yet there must be some balance as to how much and where this trust is placed. I am still adamant about this whole trust concept, as I believe it to be an illusion, a mask, and a form of control, yet I feel that there must be a balance to where it is no longer trust, but something else, defined similarly, but will not destroy you when it is violated.

 Until then, I continue to play my odds and hopefully one day I will have the answer.

Monday, April 1, 2013

On Volatility

Volatility is the art of being liable to change rapidly and unpredictably. Unstable, strained, uneasy, turbulent. Now the volatility of oneself can either be by choice or without consent. Having a volatile personality is considered a disorder and is synonymous with bipolar disorder. Frequent mood swings and angry outbursts. Anger management and poor impulse control are also symptoms. But what if you could do all this by choice? The exact same symptoms, but just choose to be a volatile character.

 Volatile relationships refer to being with someone and having a constant and quick escalation of disagreements or communication. Choosing to be volatile in a relationship can be considered sabotage. Controlled volatility in a relationship is a new concept, but without sabotaging the relationship. Volatility usually refers to finances where the higher the volatility index means higher the risks of an investment. Since my life business theory is still being developed and procedures for successful implementation are very blurry and undocumented, it is still in practice.

 Controlled volatility in a relationship will mean that the loss of the investment is greater, but also will yield a higher return. Continuous rebalancing of assets, so that when the investment is not gaining, moving the assets around depending on the situation or scenario can change the investment rate. Equity gain in theory should be higher if you do not cross a yet undefined threshold where you lose the investment together. A good base is required and skilled reading of the investment.
 Solvency refers to achieving long-term expansion and growth, in this method using controlled volatility as a means to gain solvency in a relationship. Solvency is the end state when every method used liquefies and flows just right.

 Controlled volatility does not meet every scenario but must be exercised very carefully. If the investment will not meet the standard for returns or is not willing to yield any returns at all, then the whole process towards solvency will be compromised and will no longer work, a different method is required, or the investment needs to be liquidated.

 Enough with the business references, controlled volatile personality will control patterns set, and standards high. To counter the effects of volatile relationships, we can try validity behaviors, in which each person takes accountability for their choices through careful consideration and planning each behavior. Each controlled volatility behavior needs to be justified with a valid behavior, so that it cannot be brought back, and the flow of behaviors moves forward and does not come back and either loses its effectiveness or stalls, and no gains are made from the investment.

Science of Control

Is control something to be proud of, or ashamed of? Is it a weakness or a strength? What is the line where the need for control jumps into t...